Approval on the formation of the arbitration and the discussion committee of the researcher /El-Sayed Hamdan Mohamed Ahmed
Approval on the formation of the arbitration and the discussion committee of the researcher /El-Sayed Hamdan Mohamed Ahmed
at the department of Natural Resources Studies and Research of the Institute for (PhD) from Prof.Dr./Vice President of the university for the Graduate Studies Affairs
(Modern technology to production Alashraat in Malaysia and to make use of it)
The committee of arbitration and discussion includes:
Prof. Dr. / SI Ghoneim, a professor of fish and Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Arish discussant
Prof. Dr. / Ahmadi Shafiq golden fish biology professor at the Faculty of Science in Zagazig discussant
Prof. Dr. / Mohammed Salah al-Din Muhammad professor of animal welfare and Head of Animal Production supervisor
Prof. Dr. / Sabri Mohammed Bassiouni Professor of Nutrition at the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University supervisor