
Looks Institute be an institute distinct on the local and international levels in the fields of graduate studies and research on the countries of the Asian continent, and the beta of experience and advice for Asian Studies in various fields, political, economic, legal, historical and leadership, religious, social, and of natural resources, and have a specialized center for the study of Asian languages​​, and the preparation of experiences operation specialized in various Asian Affairs


Cares Institute studies and research Altytaatnol dimensional political, economic, legal, social, historical, cultural, linguistic and natural resources, and the dissemination of research and the exchange of visits of scientific periodicals and pamphlets in various countries of the Asian continent through seminars and conferences relevant scientific studies, Asian and preparation skills and scientific expertise specialized in Asian affairs of the various organs of the state and the labor market and to make suggestions and recommendations to decision makers


1) the promotion of Asian studies and the expansion of its research and work on the publication.
2) contribute to the enrichment of scientific knowledge in various issues of Asian political , economic, social , religious, cultural and linguistic
3) organization of conferences, seminars and lectures in the field of scientific Asian Studies
4) preparation of cadres and specialized scientific expertise in Asian affairs , and to promote scientific and cultural exchanges with institutions and centers specialized scientific studies and research Asian internally and externally
5 ) To study and analyze the various issues , challenges and problems of political , strategic and cultural foundations of systematic and scientific as well as the various crises and wars and themes of cooperation and conflict in the Asian continent
6) Support Egyptian relations - Asian , Arabic - Asian to confirm the role of the Asian continent on the stage of world events

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