D. Abdul Hakim Noureddine inspects committees today Faculty of Arts and regularity of the work of exams at the University of Zagazig

It started the day Saturday, May 23, 2015, the second semester exams of various University faculties according to the specific arrangements for the tables, where he d. Abdul Hakim Noureddine, Vice President for Education and Students Affairs committees to inspect the exams at the Faculty of Arts and was greeted d. Hana Zakaria agent Faculty of Arts for Graduate Studies.

During the tour, said d. Abdul Hakim Noureddine, that the conduct of the examinations report has not made any negative phenomena affecting the conduct of the examinations or obstacles in the committees and that the situation is going to quiet the level of all the teams and there are no cases of fraud or riots. I also recommend an increase lighting in some halls in order to facilitate the students and provide all means of comfort to them.

He added that he will start in the declaration of the results of the second semester at the university faculties successively following the completion of the correction and control works .bdot day Saturday, May 23, 2015, the second semester of various faculties of the University of examinations in accordance with the selected tables and their own arrangements, where he d. Abdul Hakim Noureddine, Vice President for Education and Students Affairs committees to inspect the exams at the Faculty of Arts and was greeted d. Hana Zakaria agent Faculty of Arts for Graduate Studies.

During the tour, said d. Abdul Hakim Noureddine, that the conduct of the examinations report has not made any negative phenomena affecting the conduct of the examinations or obstacles in the committees and that the situation is going to quiet the level of all the teams and there are no cases of fraud or riots. I also recommend an increase lighting in some halls in order to facilitate the students and provide all means of comfort to them.

He added that he will start in the declaration of the results of the second semester at the university faculties successively following the completion of the correction and control works.

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