Doctoral thesis of the researcher / Osama Ahmed Mohamed Radi

Discussed thedoctoral thesissubmitted byresearcher/ OsamaAhmed MohamedRadyentitled:
(Iran's foreign policytowardsthe Kurdish problem)
Of the judging paneland discussion:
A.D/Nabil AhmedHelmyProfessor ofPublic International Lawand Dean ofthe rights ofthe formersupervisor
A.D/ AbdulRahman Al-Salhi,a political science professorat the Institute ofsufficientlydiscussing the
A.D/AmanyAhmedKhudairprofessor of political scienceIsmailiatradediscussions
A.D/Abdel-MohsenMoustafaAssistant Professorand Chairman, Departmentof Economicsat the Institute ofsufficientlysupervisor
Will be held onThursday,10/5/2012HallInstituteof discussions.
He has receivedthe student toestimate/First Class Honors

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