Over a period of from 22 to 23 from the current June Trade Zagazig develop a future vision about strategies to support the Egyptian economy

Over a period of from 22 to 23 from the current June Trade Zagazig develop a future vision about strategies to support the Egyptian economy

With the aim of highlighting the role of the university and the academic institutions of research in the development community and contribute to solving the problems of the Egyptian economy and activating its role in supporting scientific research and its applications economic, organizes the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Zagazig scientific conference of the Fifth Annual titled "Strategies to support the Egyptian economy vision for the future" under the auspices of both the d. Saeed Abdul Aziz Osman, the governor of the eastern, Wed. Ashraf al-Shehhi, the university president, and the participation of a large number of experts and professors who specialize in the field of economics, management and accounting, insurance, and so at the Conference Hall Hospital Surgery, Faculty of Medicine University, over on 22 and 23 June, current and begin opening ceremony at nine in the morning.

He said d. Adel Tawfiq, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and President of the Conference that the conference enjoys the participation of experts and specialists in different disciplines covering the themes of the conference, and will include the conference scientific sessions during which the discussion of more than two dozen search and a working paper, in addition to a number of seminars.

And on the conference program, added d. . Jamal Taher Aboul Fotouh, Secretary-General of the Conference and deputy dean of commerce for Graduate Studies and Research that the first day starts opening and then two DFA; initial meeting headed by Dr.. Sultan Abu Ali, former minister of economy and includes seminars, lectures where both d. Oyoon professor of economics and the Governor of the Bank Former Central, Wed. Samir Abul Fotouh, a professor of accounting trade in Mansoura, Wed. Tarek Hammad Dean of Commerce Ain Shams. The second session, it is headed by a research session d. Mustafa Saeed, professor of economics and former minister of economy which is to discuss research covers six axis of economic policies and its role in enhancing the competitiveness of the Egyptian economy, accounting and information technology and its role in supporting the Egyptian economy.

The program includes three sessions on the second day; session headed by Dr. initial research. Abdulsalam appealed professor of insurance relating to trade in Cairo and the axis of statistical methods and their role in supporting the decision-making and debate, during which six research. The second session, chaired by Dr.. Medhat El Akkad college professor of economics and include a presentation of working papers and seminars.

The program concludes with the conference on the second day session of the announcement of the recommendations reached by the participants during the discussions.

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